[打印] [关闭] 发布时间:[2010-01-11 00:00]
Toyota chooses Atlas Copco for Lexus manufacturing
Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) builds its Lexus models at Toyota Motor Kyushu Inc in southwest Japan, and at the Tahara plant in central Japan. Both plants are equipped with state-of-the-art assembly technology from Atlas Copco.Advanced quality assurance.
To achieve better quality products, TMC chose Atlas Copco’s latest Tensor ST line of electric tools for safety critical applications. Equipped with built-in torque transducers, the Tensor ST is an operator-friendly work environment tool – noise levels are as low as 68 decibels. In the Tahara plant, Tensor ST tools are partnered with Power Focus controllers. These are linked to TMC’s proprietary error-proofing system via a network. A second Ethernet-based network is dedicated to the Tensor tools. This enables TMC to collect data into the tooling server unit which controls the Atlas Copco data collection and process improvement software modules, including Atlas Copco ToolsNet.
Combined, the systems contribute to product quality by preventing defective problems from leaving the production line. Problems are indentified at an early stage of production, allowing corrective action to be taken before costs arise. For verification of tools and processes, TMC has chosen Atlas Copco’s Quality Assurance products.Ensuring optimum performance.
Installing the tools was just the beginning. The Atlas Copco team worked closely with the TMC programming tightening strategies and process validation to achieve the highest performance in terms of tightening quality and accuracy. They also helped to identify common joint problems and define tightening strategies to eliminate the problems before the production started.
制造工厂选择使用水蜜桃爱如潮水带你飞 ,卓越优质的产品与先进高效率的质量保证,助力于圣线电动工具的关键安全应用。配有内置的扭矩传感器,操作者友好的工作环境的工具,噪声控制在68分贝水平线上。该工厂,ST工具与权力集中控制器,这些都是通过网络连接到公司的专有的防错系统。其次,基于以太网的网络是专用工具。这使得TMC收集数据到模具服务器单元控制空压机 数据采集的过程中改进的软件模块。
组合系统,有助于提前预防有缺陷的产品质量问题离开生产线,采取纠正措施,用于高效的成本控制装置。制造工厂自从选择使用阿特拉斯 高质量保证产品之后,不仅提高生产效率运用工具优化流程验证。
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